Personal Information Protection Policy

SHINNIHON-TOURIST Co., Ltd.(the "Company") will protect, maintain and respect personal information as set forth below by clearing the philosophy of Personal Information Protection and recognizing the importance of handling any types of information which can identify a specific person(personal information) appropriately as social responsibility in order to run travel business.

  1. The Company will appropriately manage personal information by staffing a person in charge for each department handling personal information.
  2. The Company will obtain personal information only within reasonable extent to achieve purpose of usage by first clearly explaining the purpose of usage when obtaining personal information. We will not use such information for purposes other than the original intent and will implement appropriate measures for it.
  3. The Company will use the personal information only within reasonable extent to achieve purpose of usage. If usage requires exceeding the scope, unless permitted under the Law, we will receive prior consent of the identified person.
  4. The Company will provide personal information only within reasonable extent to achieve purpose of usage. In addition, the Company will not disclose or provide any personal information collected to a third party unless consent is received from the person or permitted under the Law. When entrusting a third party to use device with personal information recorded for investigation or maintenance, appropriate security management of the personal information shall be strictly enforced by concluding agreements, etc.
  5. The Company will locate a "Personal Information Inquiry Window" and reply appropriately, faithfully and promptly to inquiries and claims regarding the personal information the Company possess. When disclosing, correcting, deleting, suspending usage of personal information the Company possess is requested, the Company will promptly respond to the person making the request within a reasonable extent.
  6. The Company will perform all appropriate security measures in order to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, and prevent loss, destruction, falsification, and disclosure of personal information and take remedial action against such incidents.
  7. The Company will comply with applicable laws and rules for personal information and, when appropriate, review our efforts in the above items for improvement.

Establishment: March 1, 2011
Last Revised: March 29, 2017
SHINNIHON-TOURIST Co., Ltd. CEO: Taijiro Kusunoki

Window for inquiry regarding Personal Information

Personal Information Protection administrator: Yasushi Miyamoto
Voice Building 1F, 5-4-18 Asahi-cho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa-ken
Phone No. 087-823-5678 (Weekdays 10:00am~6:00pm)

Window for consultation regarding Privacy Policy

Japan Information Processing and DEvelopment Center(JIPDEC)
Consulting room regarding Privacy Policy
Phone No. 03-5860-7565
Free dial: 0120-700-779 (Weekdays 9:30am~12:00pm, 1:00pm~4:30pm)